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Thuren Fabrication | 2003-2013 Dodge Ram 2500 / 2003-2012 3500 Front Axle Truss Kit

Regular price $548.00
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AAM 9.25 axles are prone to bending under harsh off road conditions when the front axle sees high shock loads like hitting the bump stops at a high rate of speed.

The Thuren Weld-In-Truss kit is made from the same 1.5”x.375” DOM tubing as our Trackbars and Steering Components providing plenty of strength and with bends in all the right spots to give you the most ground clearance possible.

We feel the open design of our truss puts less stress on the axle assembly during the welding process and includes plates for the control arm mounts. This kit does require cutting, grinding and welding and should be installed by an experienced welder.

Product Details

AAM 9.25 axles are prone to bending under harsh off road conditions when the front axle sees high shock loads like hitting the bump stops at a high rate of speed.

The Thuren Weld-In-Truss kit is made from the same 1.5”x.375” DOM tubing as our Trackbars and Steering Components providing plenty of strength and with bends in all the right spots to give you the most ground clearance possible.

We feel the open design of our truss puts less stress on the axle assembly during the welding process and includes plates for the control arm mounts. This kit does require cutting, grinding and welding and should be installed by an experienced welder.

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